The Gardener
Gardening. We all see and approach it differently. It depends on what kind of reward from your garden you seek. If it is a flourishing thing of immense beauty the time and effort will be worth it. However, if you see the garden as work and time consuming it won’t flourish at best it may by vaguely maintained.
A dedicated gardener behaves very differently to any other type of gardener. They love the garden and take pride in seeing it flourish. They focus on every aspect from design, plants, where they should go and what time of year to plant them. They spend time learning about plants and gardening. They may be in a garden club and visit other gardens for inspiration. The garden of the dedicated gardener has grown and developed their garden over time. It takes years of work and commitment and when it’s matured into something of masterfully beauty the gardener continues gardening. The flourishing garden has become a habitat for birds, bees and insects and still it requires work, time and focus of the gardener to maintain it. The dedicated gardener understands that left to it’s own devices it may grow wild with weeds for the plants to wither and flowers to pale.
How will you garden your garden this coming year? The human body, like the garden is amazing and inspiring. You grew in a belly into trillions of cells that communicate to each other. Your heart beats without your focus and instruction. Your entire body is a gift for you to enjoy your life. This living body you inhabit is like any other living thing. Like the garden it requires focus, dedication and constant maintenance. Honouring your body by assisting it flourish is the greatest gratitude you can give yourself. Help it along, it has a lot to do, garden it! So how will you garden your garden in 2018? Will you just maintain it and just be pain free and just get by? Or will you consider leaping into what could truly be the best version of yourself? Free your nerve system to fire on all levels. Exercise regularly! Eat exceptionally! Garden your inner garden like a dedicated gardener in 2018.
Image courtesy of the Mail’s National Garden Competition Britain 2016 Nottingham Garden winners Malcolm Bescoby and Michael Blood.
Recipe from Cooked with Love. For more mouth-watering recipes visit
Macadamia and Berry White Chocolate
2 cups cacao butter, roughly chopped
⅓ cup of coconut cream
3 tbs raw honey
¼ tsp salt
½ cup raspberries
¼ cup goji berries
¼ cup flaked coconut
¼ cup raw macadamias, roughly chopped
- On a double boiler melt chopped cacao butter, coconut cream andhoneyover low heat. Heat stirring until cacao butter has melted. Add in salt and take off heat. Set aside to slightly cool.
- While the chocolate is cooling, place chopped macadamiason a baking tray lined with baking paper and roast in the oven at 180 degrees for 6-8 mins or until they start to turn golden and have a beautiful roasted aroma.
- In a medium sized baking tray or dish lined with baking paper, evenly arrange the goji berries, raspberries and flaked coconut.Drizzle over the white chocolate. Place in the fridge to harden.
- Once chocolate is set, chop up into pieces… whatever size you feel!